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America’s Leader in
TripleLock Title Fraud Protection.

Is your home title still in your name?

With just a forged signature, your home and all your hard-earned equity can be too easily compromised. Only Home Title Lock provides the TripleLock Title Protection you need to safeguard your family's home, security, and financial future from fraud. Start your Free 30-Day Trial today.

Check on the title to
your home right now.

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"A scammer targeted our family's property on a popular real estate website. Not only were we alerted of the fraudulent transfer, their Title Resolution team immediately jumped in and helped restore the title to my parents name. Home Title Lock lived up to every promise they made."

Home Title Lock Subscriber

Find out if you are already a victim.

Protect your home title
in just minutes.

TripleLock Protection to safeguard your home.

  • Title Monitoring
  • Immediate Fraud Alerts
  • Title Restoration
  • TripleLock™ Protection

    Monitoring Isn't Enough
    You Need Complete Protection

    Home Title Lock is foundational to your home protection and is backed by our signature TripleLock Protection

    Even responsible safeguards like homeowners' insurance, identity protection, and home security systems don't matter if you don't protect your title. Home Title Lock wraps a virtual barrier around your home, an essential layer of security to protect your most valuable asset.

    Lock One – 24/7 Monitoring

    We provide the necessary 24/7 monitoring to detect any tampering with your title or mortgage.

    Lock Two – Urgent Alerts

    Our proprietary system scans multiple data sources, triggering timely alerts of any changes to your title.

    Lock Three – Restoration

    If you’re a title fraud victim, our US-based Restoration Team works with lawyers and experts to help restore your title.

    Featured On
    Chicago's Very Own WGN 9
    KTLA 5

    What Is Home Title Fraud?

    The threat of title fraud is real—and the impact can be devastating.

    Title fraud is a scam that involves criminals stealing your home, then borrowing against it or selling it behind your back. Your home and hard-earned equity can be snatched away with just a signature. 

    How could someone steal my home?

    Thanks to digitization, everything a thief needs can be easily accessed online.

    What happens when my title is stolen?

    Fake documents are filed with your county, transferring your title out of your name.

    What can a criminal do with my title?

    The scammer uses the equity in your home to take out loans or even sells the home.

    How can a bank foreclose if it was fraud?

    The criminal and the cash are gone. You are now faced with a financial and legal nightmare of proving you are the victim of a crime.

    Who's At Risk?

    Anyone with a home is at risk of home title fraud. 

    TripleLock™ Protection

    TripleLock is Monitoring, Alerts and Restoration.

    Start Your Free Trial

    Home Title Lock Is The
    Only True TripleLock Title Protection

    Protecting homeowners with the expertise and technology to stop house stealing.

    Protection designed to keep your financial future protected
    Monitoring only titles and addresses, not Personally Identifiable Information
    24/7 home title monitoring & fraud alerts
    Title restoration services

    Home Title Lock Coverage Plans

    Protect your home equity and title for pennies a day.



    Budget Friendly

  • 24/7 Home Title Monitoring
  • Urgent Alerts of any Changes to your Title
  • Access to our US Based Team of Restoration Experts
  • Start Your Free Trial
    Most Popular



    Save $40 Instantly

  • 24/7 Home Title Monitoring
  • Urgent Alerts of any Changes to your Title
  • Access to our US Based Team of Restoration Experts
  • Save money with our most popular home title protection plan
  • Start Your Free Trial

    4 Year


    Locked in Pricing

  • 24/7 Home Title Monitoring
  • Urgent Alerts of any Changes to your Title
  • Access to our US Based Team of Restoration Experts
  • 4-Year Price Lock Protection
  • Start Your Free Trial
    Elderly couple
    Monitoring, Alerts and Restoration

    We are the leader in home title fraud protection with our signature TripleLock Protection.

    Learn About Us

    Total Title Protection

    Get started today and put the right safeguards in place to protect your home, title, and equity. 

    Get Protected Immediately

    TripleLock™ Protection
    Find out if your home's title has been compromised.
    Free Home Title Scan and Comprehensive Title Report ($100 Value FREE)
    100% Money Back Guarantee
    TripleLock Monitoring, Alerts and Restoration