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with coupon code TRIAL30

  • Get Protected Immediately From Home Title Theft
  • Free Home Title Scan and Comprehensive Title Report ($100 Value)
  • TripleLock Monitoring, Alerts and Restoration
  • 14 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Home Title Lock Coverage Plans

Protect your home equity and title for pennies a day.



Budget Friendly

  • 24/7 Home Title Monitoring
  • Urgent Alerts of any Changes to your Title
  • Access to our US Based Team of Restoration Experts
  • Start Your Free Trial
    Most Popular



    Save $40 Instantly

  • 24/7 Home Title Monitoring
  • Urgent Alerts of any Changes to your Title
  • Access to our US Based Team of Restoration Experts
  • Save money with our most popular home title protection plan
  • Start Your Free Trial

    4 Year


    Locked in Pricing

  • 24/7 Home Title Monitoring
  • Urgent Alerts of any Changes to your Title
  • Access to our US Based Team of Restoration Experts
  • 4-Year Price Lock Protection
  • Start Your Free Trial

    The Only True TripleLock Protection

    Home Title Lock is the leading authority with the expertise and technology to stop house stealing.

    24/7 Title Monitoring
    We provide the necessary 24/7 monitoring to detect any tampering with your title.
    Urgent Alerts
    Our proprietary system scans multiple data sources, triggering urgent alerts of any changes to your title.
    Title Restoration Support
    If you’re a title fraud victim, our Restoration Team works with lawyers and experts to restore your title.
    Comprehensive Protection
    Our TripleLock™ Protection offers total peace of mind that your home will be protected from being stolen.
    U.S. Based Support Team
    Our team of Title Experts is based right here in the United States, meaning help is never far away.
    Largest National Databases
    We have proprietary access to billions of records in the largest databases in the nation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Have questions about protecting your home from title fraud? We’re here to help.